

*DE ALWIS - GERALD UPATISSA *(JERRY) - called to Eternal Rest at the age of
hundred). Retired Director,​ Land Reforms Commission (CAS 1). Dearly
beloved husband of late Stephanie,​ precious father of Niranjala,​
Savitri,​ Aloma,​ late Gihan and Chandini,​ father-in-law of Ranjan
Abeyasekera,​ Nirmo Thambapillai,​ Nalin Gunasekera and Elmo Perera,​
much loved grandfather of Tishan,​ Samantha & Simon,​ Stefan,​ Shenuki
& Crish,​ Natasha and Stephanie,​ great grandfather of Savanna,​
Tristan,​ Ralph and Kimberly. Viewing on Friday,​ 16th December from
10.00 a.m. Cortege leaves residence *50,​ Koswatte Road,​ Nawala,​
Rajagiriya* at 3.30 p.m. to Jawatte Cemetery for Burial at 4.00 p.m. on 16
December 2022.077016

*KANAGARATNAM ARICHANDRAN *(1932-2022) of Bethesda,​ MD,​ USA passed away
on December 10,​ 2022. He formerly worked at CIC,​ ICI and the World
Bank. He was the son of the late Dr. and Mrs K. Kanagaratnam and son-in-law
of Mr and Mrs S. Arumugam. He is survived by his loving wife Sushila,​ his
daughters Yamuna (Darren),​ Nalina (Suresh) and Narmatha (Ramachandran) and
his grandchildren Sharanya,​ Niraj,​ Keshini and Anjali. He is also
survived by his eldest brother Dr. K. Ganesan (USA) and younger sisters Meena
Selvarajah (UK),​ Sivencheyal Yoganandan (UK) and Dr. Mangay Williams
(USA). He was preceded in death by his older brother K. Sriskandan (UK) and
younger brother Dr. K. Sivathondan (UK). You may contact his family @

*NADARAJAH - O T* - Retired Deputy Controller,​ Dept. of Immigration and
Emigration. Beloved husband of Buvaneswary. Forever loving Appa of Raathy and
Kannan. Beloved father in law of Komathy. Everloving Appappa of Geethu and
Anju. Born and raised is Johurbar Malaysia,​ moved to Jaffna lived in
Dehiwela,​ Sri Lanka. Migrated to Boston Ma USA,​ passed away peacefully
to be with our Lord Kanthan on Dec 9th 2022. The final rites will be
performed according to Hindu beliefs on Dec 14th 2022 USA. Raathika
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